What could void your HVAC warranty? You're ready to schedule a heating installation service. But you want to protect your new investment. Before you buy, install, or service a furnace or air conditioner, take a look at what you need to know about manufacturer's warranties.
What Is An HVAC Warranty?
This type of contract is an agreement from the manufacturer of an HVAC product to provide protection against some types of breakdowns, malfunctions, failures, or other heating issues due to a defect in the equipment/machinery.
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Most central furnaces don't use or produce water during normal operation, so it can be quite surprising to see water leaking around your furnace. There are a few uncommon problems that can cause liquid to pool on the floor around your furnace. Here are three possible causes for your furnace leaking water.
1. Flue Condensation
In a conventional furnace, condensation may collect in the furnace flue if exhaust gasses cool too quickly.
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An electric element heats air that a forced system or a baseboard system emits. An electric heater is typically basic in design. A heating element, a switch, and a thermostat are three vital parts that may need to be repaired after excessively using an electric heating system.
Basic Principles
An electric heater should be installed on a level surface. The installation of an immobile heating unit is typically performed by a licensed HVAC contractor.
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If your air conditioner was not working properly at the end of this past cooling season, you may be tempted to put off making repairs during the winter. While this may seem like a logical approach since you will not be using your air conditioner during the winter months, it is often better to make the repairs now rather than putting them off until summer once again comes around. Below you can learn more about three of the reasons you will not want to postpone your air conditioner repairs.
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Your air conditioner brings you comfort and relaxation during the summer months. Your home becomes a place of serenity when that cool air hits you the minute you walk into the door. Without that cool air though, you're just walking into yet another inferno and relaxing is completely out of the question. If you have issues with your air conditioner, there are some things you can do to troubleshoot those problems.
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