Why Change Your Air Conditioner’s Air Filter?: A Primer

There are plenty of reasons that you should change your air conditioner's air filter on a regular basis. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of three specific reasons why you should do so: you will improve the air quality in your home, prevent damage to both your air conditioner and duct work, and save on bills by improving energy efficiency.   Improve Air Quality There is usually a noticeable difference after you have improved the air quality in your home. Read More 

3 Situations That Warrant An Emergency Whole-House Generator

You have probably heard of whole-house generators, which can be used to power your entire home if your electricity goes out. However, you might assume that they are expensive, or you might think that you don't have much use for one. Just about anyone can benefit from having one of these back-up sources installed, but certain people need one more than others. You can talk with a professional, like Childers Enterprises Inc, to see if your family could benefit from one. Read More 

Use A Green Roof To Save Yourself Money On Cooling And Heating Costs

One of the biggest bills that you have to contend with as a homeowner is the cost of heating and cooling your home. Thus, a wise homeowner will do whatever it takes to reduce the cost of heating and cooling your home. One way to do this is by reducing your heat gain. While upgrading your windows can help with this, so can your choice of roofing. For the best savings and a unique style, you should consider installing a green roof. Read More